Statistics show that sellers spend more than 40% of their budget on searching new customers

Sellers are always in a state of need of new customers
High cost of attraction new customers
High competition on the market
Constant search of new points of sale
Why you should start working
with Aladdin store
  • Add your services to Aladdin Store for free
  • Large sales guaranteed
  • Pay per sale pricing system
  • Fast and easy way to publish new services
  • Flexible advertising tool
  • Integration with popular payment systems
Why you should start working
with Aladdin store
  • Add your services to Aladdin Store for free
  • Large sales guaranteed
  • Pay per sale pricing system
  • Fast and easy way to publish new services
  • Flexible advertising tool
  • Integration with popular payment systems

Aladdin Store helps employers keep their valuable employees

Latest research shows that mostly all employees would like to personalize their job benefits based on their preferences and are not interested in basic benefits employers provide. The ability to manage their own benefits would drastically increase employees` involvement, motivation and loyalty to their employee.
Non-material motivation is new and powerful way to stimulate and inspire staff. Increasing salary no longer motivates employees to stay.
And this is why Aladdin Store can guarantee you wide audience interested in your services. Employees desire to choose their own benefits and your services might be the ones they seek!
special travel offers for employee and their family
prepaid courses and professional skills training
advanced health and insurance plans
prepaid mobile services
prepayed transport fees from home to work
fitness and sport compensations
free meals
According to study employees are interested in this benefits the most
All data according to results of Russian market 2022 study
Advantages of using Aladdin Store
Large sales guaranteed
Employers have to offer employee benefits and it is in the interests of employees to spend their benefit fund on different services. Each employer allocates each employee somewhere between 30 000 to 70 000 Russian rubles yearly. Aladdin store also offers additional card payment for employees to acquire desired services out of their benefit fund
Pay per sale pricing system
Sellers get access to our customer database and pay small commission only after order is made. Our commission prices are much lower than hiring extra sales manager
Zero price to connect to Aladdin Store
Start working with Aladdin Store for free! Sellers can add their services to the catalog with no payment at all. Aladdin store gives you access to wide audience who has to spent their yearly benefit funds while they are still available. With your personal account you can withdraw earned money couple times each month
Aladdin Store users
Leading companies with more than 10,000 employees
Employees of different roles and positions
Big companies with 500 to 1000 employees
Companies from different industries: financial, oil and gas, IT, retail, pharmaceutical
Key features
  • Manage your service list as you wish directly on the marketplace - no need to write emails or contact us to publish new services!
  • Full control over your service cards look on the marketplace. Stylize your service cards to boost your brand, stand out from others or highlight special offers!
  • Wide array of options for adding different pricing plans for each service
  • Manage your orders with ease
  • Our team is ready to help if any arguments and problems with orders and customers arise
  • Aladdin Store makes all the paperwork for you automatically
  • Configure availability of your services for different locations
  • Manage reviews about your services
  • API available for integration with your corporate systems for managing orders and service list
  • Manage orders from your corporate system and synchronize it with Aladdin Store
  • Create and manage special offers for your services (available in Q1 2024)
  • Special prices and limited offers for chosen employers and employees (available in Q1 2024)

Aladdin Store as seen by customers

Our manager will contact you to arrange a personal demo and answer all your questions about our product. You will only need to sign partnership and add your services to our store.

Using Aladdin Store for you is completely free!
Contact us and start using Aladdin Store!
Contact us and start using Aladdin Store!
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