How to keep valuable employees when...

Non-material motivation is new and powerful way to stimulate and inspire staff
Hidden costs of recruiting new employee is 7 more times bigger than obvious ones
Employees don’t find provided job benefits useful or use only some of them

How to keep valuable employees when...

Main job benefits problems
Almost all employees have no way of affecting benefits they get
Standard health options provided within job benefits are no longer of interest to employees
Some employers who acknowledge that do not provide health options anymore but at the same time have nothing else to offer
Personalizing benefits requires enormous amount of time, human and money resources which makes it impossible for HR-teams to organize and manage
Main job benefits problems
Almost all employees have no way of affecting benefits they get
Standard health options provided within job benefits are no longer of interest to employees
Some employers who acknowledge that do not provide health options anymore but at the same time have nothing else to offer
Personalizing benefits requires enormous amount of time, human and money resources which makes it impossible for HR-teams to organize and manage

Key needs of employees

Want to get as much benefits as possible and to personalize them
Choose employers with advanced corporate culture and wide selection of benefits provided
Are highly interested in benefits that can be also useful for family members like family insurance options

The happier your employees the more the profit you get!

Large-scale research based on 1,8 million employees from 230 employers worldwide shows that there’s a clear connection between employees’ wellbeing and employers’ profit
Providing employees with benefits that they can choose and so affect their wellbeing stimulates staff and increases their efficiency and loyalty towards their employer
Opportunity to choose benefits on their own
  • boost efficiency of employees
    by 24%
  • improves recruiting stats
    by 11%
  • helps keeping staff interested
    by 17%
Opportunity to choose benefits on their own
  • boost efficiency of employees
    by 24%
  • improves recruiting stats
    by 11%
  • helps keeping staff interested
    by 17%
All data according to results of Russian market 2022 study

Bonuses of using the Aladdin Store

For employees
Access to wide selection of benefits to choose from
Ability to choose benefits that suit you best - from gift cards to your favorite coffee shop to family insurance offers
Aladdin store also offers additional card payment for employees to acquire desired special offers out of their benefit fund
For employers
Building powerful brand with advanced corporate culture thanks to personalized benefits
Increased efficiency of job benefits without extra costs for business
Lower recruitment costs, higher recruitment speed, employee retention - all of these free with Aladdin Store integration
Increased Net Promoter Score (NPS) and motivation among employees
Для сотрудников важна гибкая система льгот и бонусов.
Именно поэтому Aladdin гарантирует высокий интерес наших пользователей к вашим услугам. Сотрудники из разных организаций могут искать именно ваши услуги!
For employees
Access to wide selection of benefits to choose from
Ability to choose benefits that suit you best - from gift cards to your favorite coffee shop to family insurance offers
Aladdin store also offers additional card payment for employees to acquire desired special offers out of their benefit fund
Lower employee turnover
Sport & fitness
Insurance services
Streaming media

Our product offers a great range of services and the best part is - your employees can choose the ones that suit them best

Special offers for family members
Cafe & restaurants
Care & beauty
What we provide
For employees
For employers
Personal recommendation system based on your interests o help you find what you really need
User-friendly interface to help you search and filter through hundreds of benefits
Ability to personalize your benefit store domain name, ex.
Have full control of your balance with the help of different data views: by operations, groups, grades, employees, benefits, sellers and more
Manage benefits, sellers and benefit categories available to your employees with custom settings for your catalog
Learn how employees use their funds, what they buy and what they look for
Contact directly any seller about their services
Bank-like wallet system to help you manage your funds and operations
Aladdin Store makes all the paperwork for you automatically
Review and rating system to help you choose
Special offers and discounts from Aladdin Store
Mobile App supporting both iOS и Android available
You can use REST API to integrate with your corporate systems to manage employees
Tools to build infographics based on employees` orders to help you analyze employees` needs and wants
Random Buddy - inbuilt gamification via suggested meet ups between employees

Aladdin Store as seen by employees

Our manager will contact you to arrange a personal demo and answer all your questions about our product. You will only need to sign partnership and add your employees to Aladdin Store
Using Aladdin Store for you is completely free!
Contact us and start using Aladdin Store!
Contact us and start using Aladdin Store!
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